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Double Entry Journal #3

Most Single Mothers Do A Bad Job Raising Their Sons? - YouTube

Quote #1: "They've never been a leader, the women that they've been with don't respect them, the women in their families don't respect them..."

Notes: In the video "Why are single parents bad," Danielle says that just because you are from a single parent home, it doesn't mean that you won't succeed, and I agree. There are many successful single parents out there, but even when parents aren't successful, it is ultimately up to the child to make their own decisions. I think that saying a child raised by a single parent will never be respected and will never succeed is like saying that certain races will never be respected or successful.

Quote #2: "which is why these women are quick to blame you for why they chose to date outside of their race, or date other women, because they don't see masculinity there."

Notes: This quote shows that he blames single mothers for women dating outside of their race, or being homosexual. I don't think he is right to blame single mothers for this, because homosexuality is a personal preference, just like how someone would prefer to have a salad over fries. You also can't blame anyone for the choices another person made, because it is not under their control, and they can't be inside other people's heads. I also mentioned before that our society is evolving, and now we aren't following gender roles as often. Our society has become more open to change, and people don't necessarily need a partner that is super masculine or feminine anymore.

Quote #3: "You can tell these dudes from single parent homes, you can tell they had no father in the household, they're just so over emotional and resentful of men."

Notes: While responding to the last quote, I mentioned that everyone is responsible for their own actions and decisions. I also said that our society is evolving, and so are gender roles. So what if a man wants to be sensitive? It doesn't necessarily mean he is resentful of men or always sees the woman as a victim. People are entitled to their own personality, and you shouldn't be expected to behave a certain way, just because society says it's the normal way.

Quote #4: "They have only known a single parent environment, they've never been in an environment where they had masculinity, so they see woman always as the victim. They always see them as the damsel in distress."

Notes: I disagree with the fact that these boys are never in an environment with masculinity, because they have obviously had friends, or been outside at least once. I also think that it depends on the situation the single parents are in. There are single parents who always complain about how terrible they have it, but there are also single parents who do the best they can and never utter a single complaint. I feel like the boys who had a single mother who was always complaining would be more likely to see women as victims, but not every child raised by a single mom sees it that way. If a single mother complains all the time, it will send her child the message that everything in life is too difficult and that they shouldn't even try, which would put them in the bad parent category.

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