Dialectic Journal #2
Passage chosen: "Single fatherhood is often seen as something done as a choice by honorable men, and single motherhood as something done by women who have mad bad decisions and have no other option."- From "Why We Martyr Single Dads, But Demonize Single Moms (And What To Do About It)- Everyday Feminism" (everydayfeminism.com)
Response: I've come across many articles that said men are seen as honorable for being single parents, because less of them are willing to take on the responsibility. Just because there are fewer single fathers than mothers, they are ultimately doing the same job. Why does having a choice make men brave? And it's not like women don't have a choice, because abortion is legal now, and they could put their child up for adoption if they wanted to. After my first post, I came to the conclusion that single mothers and fathers can be equal if they incorporate paternal and maternal styles of parenting. If this is true, wouldn't both the mother and the father be equally responsible if they made a bad decision? Why don't we view them as equally responsible?